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Welcome to Our Parents Area

Below you can get in touch to enquire about assessments and therapy sessions for your child

We are offering Parent Workshops for those of you who would like support prior to your session.  These will be on Saturdays and will be group workshops for a maximum of 4 parents - you are also welcome to bring your child with you.

Our Parent Workshops are a great opportunity to learn skills to support your child whilst on the waiting list for your therapy session, and also a great opportunity to meet other parents experiencing similar speech and language concerns.

Please click the button below to book onto a Parent Workshop

What We Offer

Initial Assessment - 60 Mins

We will carry out a full assessment of your child’s speech, language, and communication skills in order to devise an individualised therapy plan personal to them. This will be through a range of either formal or informal methods of assessment. A written summary report will be included in the price of the assessment.


Therapy Session - 30 Mins / 60 Mins

Therapy sessions can either last 30/60 minutes and will be based upon your child's individualised treatment plan. Therapy Sessions will also include time to feedback on your child's progress. Therapy sessions take place either in the clinic, or at your child’s educational setting.

Extensive Reporting

We can provide an extensive report for School or other service providers at an additional cost of £200. This will be a more in depth report than the summary report received from the initial assessment.


We can attend meetings at your child’s educational setting to discuss progress and current communication targets. We can also attend Multi-Disciplinary meetings about your child. Our attendance at meetings will be at an additional charge. 

Child On Mat.jpeg

"Why fit in, when you were born
to stand out!"

- Dr Seuss


Early Language Groups

Hanen - More Than Words
Next Sessions: August 2022

The More Than Words Program was designed specifically for the Parents of children aged 5 and under on the autistic spectrum or with language delay and other social communication difficulties. 

This Program provides Parents with the tools, strategies and support they need to help their children reach their full communication potential. 

Elklan - Let's Talk With Your Baby

Start Date: Coming Soon

This is a Speech and Language Program to develop early communication skills which will provide a good start towards learning to talk in babies.
You will have the opportunity to meet other parents and babies and ask any questions about early communication.
Stay & Play Coffee Morning Leaflet (Banner (Landscape)) (52 × 28in).png
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